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apple daily造句

"apple daily"是什么意思  
  • Welcome to march 28 apple daily s report
  • Report by apple daily reporters in indonesia
  • Here you are . the booking is under my company name , apple daily
  • 13 july 2001 , apple daily
  • Press @ apple daily - nov
    广告宣传@苹果日报- 11月
  • Apple daily job seekers
  • The chinese version of this article was published in apple daily on october 9 , 2001 )
    (本文原刊载于十月九日《苹果日报》 《苹果论坛》 )
  • The result will be announced in apple daily and the standard on 16 april 2004
  • Employees of apple daily limited and their relatives are not eligible to enter the lucky draw
    2 )苹果日报有限公司的员工及其亲属均不可参与是次抽奖。
  • For apple daily establish a hot line , helps reader to solve their computer problem
  • It's difficult to see apple daily in a sentence. 用apple daily造句挺难的
  • " zhang ziyi wears xu jinglei ' s old dress , " the headline read in apple daily ' s entertainment section
  • Jupiter writes for different magazines , newspaper and websites like apple daily , cosmo girl , macau classified and yahoo hk
    先后为报章杂志网站撰写专栏,如苹果日报cosmo girl
  • Agriculture , fisheries and conservation department is the supporting organization with apple daily being the media sponsor
  • The chinese version of this article was published by apple daily on august 15 , 2003 , and this article is not for commercial use . )
  • A spokesman for the civil aviation department ( cad ) today ( march 13 ) said that the air traffic incident reported in today s apple daily was totally inaccurate
  • It is most regrettable that apple daily simply chose to ignore the economic conditions prevailing at the time of negotiation which would have direct impact on land premium values and interest rate
  • At the same time , the editorial of the apple daily suggested that introducing road works charges would encourage better co - operation between different public utilities on the co - ordination of road works so as to save and share costs
  • To enter the lucky draw , customers must fill out the coupon with personal details such as name , address , telephone number and id card number and post it to apple daily limited or drop it into the lucky draw boxes in apple daily shops no later than 1 april 2004
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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